Here's what our clients have to say about Expedition Group of Companies.
Expedition Helicopters have worked with us for the past three years, during our fungicide season, with exceptional results. Expedition's crews and pilots are extremely professional, conscientious and easy to work with. I was very impressed with the custom built mix rigs which the helicopters land on, as well as the speed and efficiency in which each load is completed. I appreciate how the crews are so enthusiastic and considerate with my staff, the public, and all of our farm customers. The crews have excellent communication skills, and I appreciate their attention to detail. Our customers' fields were sprayed on time, with accuracy, and excellent coverage.
Wendy McDonald, B. Sc. Ag, CCA, P. Ag, Manager, Crop InputsParrish & Heimbecker
Expedition Helicopters was very keen to hear what we needed for our forestry aerial spray program and built a right-sized well-resourced team of talented employees.
Doug Maki, Silviculture ForesterVermillion Forest Management
Get it done attitude. I have been fortunate to have been a client of Expedition Helicopters and Expedition Camp division for the past seven years. Comfort and assurance that things stay on budget. Highest level of safety. The continuous praise I receive from my staff on how they operate camps, speaks to their character and hard work. I have dealt with many contractors over the years in mining exploration business, and I find them to be the best.
Jacob McKinnon, VP OperationsMacDonald Mines Exploration, Red Pine Exploration, Honey Badger Exploration, Energizer Resources
We have collectively logged hundreds of hours and thousands of kilometres in your aircraft since the beginning of the project. Throughout that time, your support staff, pilots and administration have done an exemplary job of maintaining open communications, on time performance and perhaps most importantly, an unblemished safety record. We greatly appreciate the professionalism and courtesy extended by you and your staff, and look forward to your continued service in the years to come.
Stuart Gilray, Logistics SupervisorDetour Gold Corporation
Our helicopter requirements are seasonal. We encounter complex weather conditions and flight schedules. We rely on their flexibility, outstanding courteous service, and the extra efforts provided to help us deliver service to our clients.
Sandra Linklater, ManagerWeeneebayko Area Health Authority, Moose River
To date I have been very pleased with the overall performance by Expedition Helicopters. Their pilots have proved to be skilled and have excelled at moving heli-portable drill rigs while consistently providing professional and courteous services. The majority of pilots have been functionally bilingual which has proved useful. Helicopter reliability rates have also proved to be what I consider above industry averages. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Expedition Helicopters to any mining or exploration company.
Richard Mann, VP ExplorationBalmoral Resources Ltd.
Metalex Ventures has utilized Expedition Helicopters to provide air support to our projects in eastern Canada for the past 10 years. The nature of our exploration work places high demands on the helicopters, pilots and engineers and this is further complicated by the remote nature of our various operations and the fact that we work throughout the year in all conditions. We’ve utilized Expedition’s fleet in a variety of jobs. In this time I’ve been highly impressed with the services and team of Expedition. The response of Expedition to unexpected events provides further demonstration of their company philosophy to provide value to the client.
Chad Ulanski, President, CEOMetalex Ventures
Metalex Ventures has utilized Expedition Helicopters to provide air support to our projects in eastern Canada for the past 10 years. The nature of our exploration work places high demands on the helicopters, pilots and engineers and this is further complicated by the remote nature of our various operations and the fact that we work throughout the year in all conditions. We’ve utilized Expedition’s fleet in a variety of jobs. In this time I’ve been highly impressed with the services and team of Expedition. The response of Expedition to unexpected events provides further demonstration of their company philosophy to provide value to the client.
Chad Ulanski, President, CEOMetalex Ventures
Expedition conducted some high risk helicopter work with my direct involvement. Work involved stringing pulling rope across the Abitibi River Crossing at the Island Falls Powerhouse area. The activity was performed very well, with good communication, safely and in a timely fashion. Everyone at Expedition Helicopters presented themselves in a professional manner on all occasions, providing a safe work environment with highly qualified employees. Highly recommend the Expedition group, they provide a great service to any organization.
Corey Purcell, ForemanPowerTel Utilities Contractors Limited