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Sustainable Development
Expedition Group is committed to the principles of sustainable development. Sustainable development is achieved by the company through the assessment of the environmental aspects of our activities, products and services and eliminating these aspects or implementing adequate control measures. In addition, the company is committed to comply with all applicable legal and other requirements.
Targets & Objectives
Targets and objectives are set and maintained by the company to ensure continuous improvement and pollution prevention. The Senior Executive and Management Team at Expedition Helicopters Inc. monitor its compliance and performance through the elements of our Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management System.
Our managers, employees, clients and contractors are given responsibilities within our Environmental Management System and are accountable for the success of our sustainable development program.
Health & Safety
Working Safe
The management at Expedition Group is committed to providing safe and healthy workplace conditions and attitudes within the company. The health and safety of all employees, passengers and third parties who may be affected are of utmost importance. As well, protection of the environment and all physical assets are paramount while conducting business activities. A safe business is a successful business.
Expedition Group is continually striving for excellence, and to improve safety in all aspects of our business. These high standards can only be achieved with the support and active participation of management and all employees. It is the responsibility of all employees to maintain a safe and efficient work environment by following company policies and procedures, and reporting all safety issues in a timely manner.
Because we all have something amazing to live for.
The company endorses a non-punitive proactive/reactive approach to Safety Management. This means that all employees are encouraged to come forward with any safety concerns or potential hazards. Employees will not be subject to punitive action even if their actions have resulted in an occurrence unless there was wilful intent to harm or blatant disregard for company policy and procedures.
Communication is an important component of any safety program; employees may report their safety concerns through the safety suggestion box in the hangar, by completing a hazard report, or by directly contacting your immediate supervisor. Anonymous Safety reports are acceptable if employee feels it necessary and Expedition Helicopters Inc. will make every effort to maintain complete confidentiality.
Occupation Health, Safety, & Environment System
1) Planning
- Safety policy/Environment policy
- Non-punitive safety reporting
- Roles and responsibilities
- Communication
- Safe planning, objectives and goals
- Performance measurement
- Management review
2) Documentation
- Records management
3) Oversight
- Reactive processes
- Pro-active processes
- Investigation and analysis
- Risk management
4) Training
- Training awareness and competence
- Identification and maintenance of applicable regulations
- S&E – MS documentation
5) Quality Assurance
- Operational quality assurance
6) Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency preparedness and response